PITCH-Perfect pianos
A piano should be tuned at least once or twice a year. Tuning your piano regularly can prevent costly repairs and help make your piano sound great for many years. If your piano has not been tuned regularly, it may need additional tuning work like a pitch raise and one or two tunings.
Humidity changes play a big part in why your piano goes out of tune. Installation of a humidity control system in a piano is one of the best things you can do to protect and preserve your piano. Only a qualified piano technician should install humidity control systems.
In addition to piano tuning, your piano will require some periodic maintenance, e.g., cleaning, reshaping hammers, lubrication of parts, and easing friction from the keys. Also, regulation and voicing may be necessary as your piano ages.
A piano should be tuned at least once or twice a year.
Using a qualified technician regularly can prevent costly repairs and help make your piano sound great for many years.
If your piano has not been tuned in the last six months to a year, it may need additional tuning work. That work may involve a pitch raise and one or two tunings.
Consult with our professional technicians at Hamilton Piano Co for more information.
A pitch raise is a procedure that is required to properly raise a very flat piano up to standard pitch. The process involves tuning strings passed the proper frequency, so that by the time the whole piano is tuned, all the notes will have fallen back into place.
A pitch raise is only required if your piano has not been maintained regularly.
A follow up tuning may be required if the piano is significantly off pitch.
As a mechanical device, your piano action needs regular adjustments called “Regulating”. Parts swell and shrink as the humidity changes and they wear out with use. Dirt and grit prematurely wear out felt, leather, and wood action parts.
Regulating and cleaning prolongs the life of your piano.
Voicing is also called “Tone Regulating” and is the final part of regulating the piano. Although it involves many aspects, voicing includes adjusting the piano’s hammers to achieve a full, smooth and pleasing tone in the piano.
Request a Tuning
Please fill out this short form to request a piano tuning. We will do our best to accommodate your requested time, but please note that your time is not guaranteed until we confirm it with you.